DROOL: When do you feel you first found success in the world of art, and how have you grown since then?
SRT: I used to exhibit works in stone and the late George Harrison bought one of my works – as he was an avid art collector that felt special. It inspired my to keep going and have confidence in my work.
DROOL: How did you discover your voice in art?
SRT: I’m always evolving, I’d get bored if one voice said the same thing constantly.
DROOL: What compels you to keep driving forward as an artist? How do you aspire to grow as an artist this year?
SRT: Being surprised when I make a mark that excites me. Just to keep making new marks.
DROOL: What about dogs attracts you to them as subjects for your artwork? SRT: It seemed that throughout my childhood I had a Whippet by my side (or on my lap)! They offer so much as a subject.
DROOL: If you had to choose one dog breed to characterize who you are, what breed would it be and why?
SRT: Whippets (all sighthounds) I love the way they are so cute but can explode into something amazing and then go back to being so cute.
DROOL: Which do you prefer: dogs or people, and why?
SRT: Both can drive you nuts, both can amaze you. Dogs tend to be less ‘showoffy’.
DROOL: Anything else you want to share with the dog-loving humans of Earth?
SRT: They all know the magic of a four legged friends.
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