“Great things are not accomplished by those who yield to trends and fads and popular opinion.”
Jack Kerouac’s words feel like a good place to start talking about DROOL. We set out on this journey not trying to be anything but ourselves. We wanted to tell stories that we found interesting and felt needed sharing. We only placed one constraint, the stories had to feature that extraordinary connection unique to people and dogs. Whether it’s a pup that looks like it came from the imagination of George Lucas, dogs who get a second chance to give people a second chance, or even a Broadway star who used a global pandemic as the perfect opportunity to find a new best friend, the stories all found a place in DROOL. So take a look. Judge for yourself. See if we are on the way to accomplishing something great.
Use the code DROOLME or PURRME at checkout to recieve a FREE copy of Drool or Purr on any order over $15!
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